Getting Started With Design

The first thing I like to do when I design a blog or website is to map it out on paper. Go have a Starbucks sit down with pen and a napkin {I’ve created some of my BEST work on a napkin} and go to town (as they say). Think about all the elements you would like to have. Here is a list of some of them.

1) How many columns

2) Title and tag line for header

3) Do you want a navigation bar if so…?

a) How many categories

b) Graphics or text

c) Vertical or horizontal

4) Sidebar Items

5) Blog Button

6) Signature

7) Post Divider

8) Will you offer a newsletter of any kind

9) Will you need ad space

10) What type of blog/website will it be…

a) Personal

b) Community

c) Business

d) Information

11) What type of graphics will you need

12) Will you be ‘social’…facebook, twitter, etc.

This is just a few things to think about in your napkin design stage. The best set-up is mapping it out first on paper and make changes accordingly. If you are going to be ‘social’ {who isn’t}, then you need to have your twitter and facebook pages ready and set up for launch day.

This is a lot to think about, so let’s get those napkins out and start to work.